Security of Funds

Security & Regulation
Security and compliance is of paramount importance to GC Partners. We adhere to strict and stringent regulations and have robust internal controls in place to safeguard your funds and minimise any risks to the business or your money.
All transactions are initiated using a secure payment system which ensures each payment is approved internally by multiple users and processed by our Tier 1 banking partners.
We don’t speculate on the currency markets. Or invest your money overnight. When you enter into a transaction with us, we enter a matching, binding trade with our bank.
Client money is held in segregated client ‘safeguarding’ accounts using our global Tier 1 banking partners. It means all client funds are held separately from any company money or assets in order to comply with regulations.
Vorto’s FX and payments are provided by GC Partners. Global Currency Exchange Network Limited T/A GC Partners is authorised by the FCA under the Payment Services Regulations, 2017. Registration number 504346. Global Currency Exchange Network Limited T/A GC Partners is registered with HMRC under the Money Laundering Regulations, 2017. The registration number is 12137189.
Global Custodial Services Ltd trading as GC Partners is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and holds Part IV Permissions under the FSMA 2000 (FRN 595875).
Global Currency Exchange Network Ltd trading as GC Partners is an Authorised Payment Institution (API) that puts the security and protection of your money at the core of our business. As a money services business, we’re also regulated by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) under the Anti Money Laundering Regulations 2017. Registration number 12137189.
Global Currency Exchange Network Ltd T/A GC Partners is independently audited each year by 3rd party compliance specialists & Global Custodial Services Ltd T/A GC Partners is independently audited each year by 3rd party Client Money (CASS) specialists to ensure that all processes, procedures and controls are in line with FCA guidelines. The UK CASS rules are amongst the most stringent in the world in regards to how client money is reconciled and reported both internally and externally.